Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit
Discover the value of macroinvertebrates as living indicators of water quality. A totally reusable and flexible tool that can be adapted for varying time limits, number of students, and grade levels. Includes a comprehensive instructor’s manual and all the apparatus needed for collecting, sorting, and identifying aquatic insects. A set of full-color flashcards is also supplied. Developed by LaMotte Company in cooperation with Stroud Water Research Center. View on the LaMotte Company website.
To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 (Order Code: 5882) or check their list of distributors.
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Leaf Pack Network Program Materials List
The Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit contains everything you need to perform a leaf pack project with a group. Use the following lists if you choose to purchase materials independently of the kit or if you need to replenish your kit materials. Quantities listed are for six leaf packs and six sorting stations, with two people at each station. Substitutions with equivalent items may be made.
Individual Items Available from LaMotte Company
Call 800-344-3100 to order, using the codes listed with each item, or check LaMotte’s list of distributors. (Note: Items without hyperlinks do not appear on LaMotte’s website but are available for phone order.)
- 30 plastic mesh bags with labels, code 5882-LPB
- 1 6″ sieve, 500 micron mesh, code 5882-STR
- 1 MacroLens™, code 5508
- 6 Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Sorting Sheets, code 5882-SS6
- 1 set of 6 Laminated, Spiral-Bound Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Dichotomous Keys, code 5882-DK-6
- 1 set of 6 Biotic Index Data Sheets, code 5882-DATA-6
- Aquatic Insect Identification Flashcards, code 5882-SA1
- Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Life Cycle & Habitat Flashcards, code 5946
Additional Items Needed
- 1 Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit User’s Manual
- 6 waterproof bag tags. These are included with mesh bags purchased from LaMotte.
- 6 large zipper-top plastic bags
- 30 feet of nylon twine to secure your leaf packs in the stream
- 1 waterproof marker
- 60 Petri dishes or similar clear dishes to place on sorting sheets
- 12 artist’s paint brushes
- 6 plastic sorting trays
- 6 hand lenses
- 12 plastic spoons
- 2 rulers
- 1 tree identification guide, e.g., Tree Finder: A Manual for Identification of Trees by Their Leaves (Eastern US)
- Dried tree leaves, 180g (30g per leaf pack)
- 1 hand-held scale or digital kitchen scale, to weigh leaves for leaf packs
- Scissors
- Cooler and ice pack
Optional Items
- Rock hammer or sledge hammer
- Hollow cinder blocks or bricks
- Rebar (reinforcement bar), 1 meter section, or strong stakes.
- Dissecting microscope
- Buckets
Related LaMotte Products
Aquatic Bug Kit

A creepy, crawly, wet investigation of the health of streams, ponds, and other freshwater environments. Following the easy-to-read Bug Kit manual, one to two students learn to collect, observe, sort, and identify aquatic insects as a tool for measuring water quality. Students can complete the activity at home after collection or spend an afternoon outdoors beside a stream.The Bug Kit includes mesh leaf bags for collection, trays and plastic dishes for sorting, a magnifying lens, Bug Guide, and a Bug Board identification chart. Ideal for bug-hunters age 8 and up.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 to order (Order Code: 5950) or check their list of distributors.
Aquatic Insect Identification Flashcards

Use this set of 18 full color flash cards alone or as an addition to any macroinvertebrate activity. (The set is included in the Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit).The front of each card features a full-color photograph of a common macroinvertebrate in its natural environment. A list of dichotomous characteristics, a measuring scale, and detailed drawings on the back of each card aid in the identification process. Helpful notes prevent confusion between macroinvertebrates with a similar appearance. A hole can be punched in the wide border of the laminated cards so they can be organized on a ring for field or classroom use.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 (Order Code: 5882-SA1) or check their list of distributors.
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Life Cycle & Habitat Flashcards
Help kids understand the life cycle and habitats of freshwater aquatic macroinvertebrates with this set of flashcards and manual. The 22 full-color cards feature photos of both immature and adult insect stages, and detail life cycle and habitat information. The accompanying manual contains facts on insect characteristics, life cycles, taxonomy, classification, food webs, and how macroinvertebrates can be indicators of water quality.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 to order (Order Code: 5946) or check their list of distributors.
Learn More in This Short Video
Biotic Index Data Sheet
Water-resistant data sheets for recording data after sorting and identifying freshwater aquatic macroinvertebrates to order and some family levels. Includes instructions and formulas for calculating the Pollution Tolerance Index (PTI) Score and Pollution Tolerance Index Rating. Write on, wipe off, and reuse. For field or indoor use. English and Spanish. Set of six.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 (Order Code 5882-DATA-6) or check their list of distributors.
A printable version is available here.
Dichotomous Identification Key to Freshwater Macroinvertebrates
Spiral bound dichotomous key for identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates to order and some families level. Color-coded based on Pollution Tolerance level. Includes glossary, body part illustrations and size reference. Water resistant for field or indoor use. Enhancement to Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit. English and Spanish. Set of six.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 (Order Code 5882-DK-6) or check their list of distributors.
Watershed Tour™

Introduce students to stream and river ecosystems through a classroom-based tour of a virtual watershed. Geared toward students in grades 4-8 and designed for teachers who are unable visit a stream with their students.Students will learn about stream ecology, water quality issues, and their own connection to a watershed. Through a week long series of hands-on TesTab® tablet tests, games, and activities, students will “test” four stations along a river continuum — from the headwaters to the mouth of the river as it enters the estuary — to study how the river changes and how human activities can influence water quality. Includes lecture materials, illustrated handouts, teacher’s tips, test procedures, TesTab reagents, data sheets, and games. TesTab reagents and test tubes for 30 students in groups.
View on the LaMotte Company website. To order, call LaMotte at 800-344-3100 to order (Order Code: 5419) or check their list of distributors.