Welcome to the Leaf Pack Network, an international network of people investigating their local stream ecosystems. Leaf Pack Network is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.

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Leaf Pack Network Newsletter #2, Winter 2003

In this issue: Pennsylvania High School’s Leaf Pack Experiment; How Not to Lose a Leaf Pack.

Leaf Pack Network Newsletter #1, Fall 2002

In this issue: Fall is the Best Time For Leaf Pack Experiments; Summer 2002 Update.

Students in Kenya Do the Leaf Pack Experiment

At the end of her visit to Stroud Water Research Center, Nobel Prize nominee Wangari Maathai, was given a Leaf Pack Kit with the hope that she could engage students in Kenyan schools in a new and exciting approach to conservation.

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