In this issue: Leaf Pack Webinar Recording Now Available ; September Was Busy With Workshops 1,680 Miles Apart!; New Groups and Projects; How to Choose Mobile Digital Technologies to Enhance Environmental Education.
- Leaf Pack webinar recording
- Workshop recap
- New groups and projects
- How to Choose Mobile Digital Technologies to Enhance Environmental Education
Webinar Recording Now Available
Did you miss the Introduction to the Leaf Pack Network webinar in September? Whether you’re a seasoned or new leaf packer, this webinar is for you. Leaf Pack Administrator Tara Muenz hosted a 30-minute walkthrough that covered all the basics. Watch the recording
September Was Busy With Workshops 1,680 Miles Apart!
- Aurora, Colorado: Christina Medved of the Roaring Fork Conservancy hosted a workshop at Morrison Nature Center. (Remember her? She’s still working as an LPN Ambassador, so reach out if you’re interested in bringing LPN to your neck of the woods in Colorado!)
- Avondale, Pennsylvania: Tara Muenz, LPN Administrator hosted a workshop at Stroud Water Research Center.
Here are a few photos from the workshops; the first and second are by Christina and the third and fourth are by Tara.
Don’t “Leaf” Us Hanging!
So you start a leaf pack experiment …
You go back a month or so later, remove your leaf packs, and have lots of fun counting and identifying the macroinvertebrates.
Don’t forget the last step! Entering your counts on the LPN website makes your experiment visible to the world and helps people in your watershed find water-quality data.
Thanks to the following groups for sharing Fall 2016 project data!
- Carver College and Career Academy, James River Watershed
- Grover Hill Elementary, Lake Erie Watershed
- Northland Preparatory Academy, Little Colorado River Watershed
- Sanford School, Delaware River Watershed
- St. Thomas’s Day School, Long Island Sound Watershed
- Straub Environmental Center, Willamette River Watershed
- The School in Rose Valley, Delaware River Watershed
- Walton Central School, Delaware River Watershed
Connect With the Leaf Pack Network on Social Media!

Shout out to Rogue River Home Rivers Initiative Project for sharing these pictures of their leaf pack experiments on Facebook! We’d love to see photos of your group in action. Share photos at or use #leafpacknetwork and mention @leafpack on Twitter, @stroudcenter on Instagram. (If you’re not on social media, email photos to and we’ll be happy to post them on the website.)
Welcome New Leaf Pack Network Groups!
- California: Clyde Needham Elementary School
- Colorado: Aspen Middle School, Morrison Nature Center
- Connecticut: Forman School, Miss Porter’s School, St. Thomas’s Day School
- Georgia: Alpharetta High School, Crescent Elementary School
- Kentucky: Barren River Lake State Resort Park
- Michigan: Frederick Douglass Academy for Young Men
- New Hampshire: Lkandmtn
- New Jersey:Wenonah School
- New York: Green Meadow Waldorf School, Livingston Manor Central School, Ronald Tirino Natural Classroom
- Ohio: Watershed Stewardship Center, Grover Hill Elementary School, Independence High School
- Oregon: North Salem High School
- Pennsylvania: State College Area High School, Senior Elk River Watershed, Crow’s Nest Preserve
- Tennessee: Heritage High School
- Texas: TARGET School
- Vermont: Burr and Burton Academy, Gunn Consultancy, Vermont Institute of Natural Science
- Virginia: Carver College and Career Academy, Magna Vista Warrior Tech Academy Green League, Spotswood High School
How to Choose Mobile Digital Technologies to Enhance Environmental Education
In this age of technology ubiquity, is there a place for digital devices in environmental education? An article co-authored by Stroud Water Research Center Director of Education Steve Kerlin, Ph.D., argues that it may be time to abandon the “Turn that thing off and go outside!” mindset. Read the article

That’s all the news for now. Don’t forget that you can find lots of great information in past issues of the LPN newsletter. We look forward to seeing your data soon on the Leaf Pack Network website!
Tara Muenz
Leaf Pack Administrator
Stroud Water Research Center