Grab Your Leaf Pack Network Manual and Follow Along With These Methods Videos
Whether you're new to the Leaf Pack Network or just need a refresher, our methods videos are a great way to supplement the material in the Leaf Pack Network Manual.

Leaf Pack Through the Ages: Monitoring With Students From Middle School to College
Learn from Leaf Pack Network® “superstars” as educators and partners share tips and tricks of engaging students in the Leaf Pack Network.

Aquatic Macroinvertebrates in Motion Videos
Explore our video library of aquatic macroinvertebrates wriggling, swimming, and crawling through stream water!

ROCK ON With Rock Pack Experiment Videos
Designed for 7th-12th grade learners and adult audiences, this video series provides an in-depth look into caddisfly ecology, ecosystem engineering, fluvial geomorphology, and more.

2020 Leaf Pack Network Updates and New Kit Reveal!
Join Leaf Pack Network Administrator and freshwater ecologist, Tara Muenz, for a tour of the new Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit features PLUS an introduction on how YOU can get started with the Leaf Pack Network!

Check Out Our New YouTube Channel
Check back regularly for new additions, or better yet, subscribe to the channel to be notified of new videos!

Dive into Water Science Careers!
Ever want to spend a day in the boots of a freshwater scientist? Our Water Science Career Videos engage viewers of all ages in real careers in freshwater-focused science, technology, engineering, and math.

Ecosystem Benefits of Net-Spinning Caddisflies
Net-spinning caddisflies build nets to trap their food. But did you know that these nets also hold rocks together in streams?

Restoring Nash Creek
Students in Michigan discovered what was impacting their stream and then developed a plan to restore it with native plantings.

Leaf Pack Stream Ecology Kit
Students will learn to design, implement, and analyze a scientific investigation while discovering the value of aquatic macroinvertebrates as living indicators of water quality. The kit is reusable and flexible, adaptable to

Leaf Pack Experiment Takes Learning Into the Field
This video highlights the partnership between Stroud Water Research Center, Riverkeeper, and Hudson Basin River Watch in the early 2000s. The Leaf Pack experiment involves creating an artificial leaf pack,