In this issue: Where to find LPN online; Our Newest Ambassador; Leaves, Leaves Everywhere;; Leaf Pack Experiment Video; Trout Grow on Trees.
Hello Leaf Packers!
I’m Leaf Pack Network Administrator Tara Muenz and I’d like to welcome you to the Fall 2015 edition of our newsletter. I’ve put together a few news items, updates, and resources that might be of interest to you and your classes.
Where to find LPN online
The Leaf Pack Network website has moved. Please take a moment to update your bookmarks to point to
Did you know Leaf Pack Network is on Facebook?
Please like our page and tag us if you post updates or photos about your leaf pack projects on Facebook.
Our Newest Ambassador
This smiling face will be familiar to many longtime Leaf Packers!
Former LPN administrator Christina Medved, now at Roaring Forks Conservancy in Basalt, Colorado, is spreading the leaf pack love out west as our newest Leaf Pack Network ambassador.
Leaves, Leaves Everywhere
Fall is a great time of year to monitor the water quality in your local stream by doing a leaf pack experiment.
Can’t do an experiment this fall? Don’t forget to gather leaves now to use for future leaf pack experiments.
Upcoming Workshops
National Science Teacher Association Meeting
Philadelphia, Pa.
I’ll be doing two Leaf Pack mini-sessions on Friday, November 13 and LaMotte will have a booth. Come see us!
California Leaf Pack Training
Sacramento, Ca.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Details coming soon — keep an eye on our website or email me to let me know you’d like to sign up!
Welcome 2015 LPN groups!
- Sizer School, Massachusetts
- St. Luke’s School, Rhode Island
- Rowe Middle School, Oregon
- Weston Middle School, Connecticut
- Northfield Community School, New Jersey
- Black River Action Team, Vermont
- Imagine School at Town Center, Florida
- The Miquon School, Pennsylvania
- Colegio Británico de Cartagena, Colombia
- Warwick Middle School, Pennsylvania
- MS 244, New York City
- Green Zhejiang, China
- Fort Osage High School, Missouri
- East Rockford Middle School, Michigan
- Ground Water Guardians, Wisconsin
Want to add a global spin to your LP experience? Find more groups from across the world in the Leaf Pack database — we have groups almost on every continent!
Additional Resources
Website is a great place to go to identify aquatic insects.
The website, presented by Carnegie Mellon Museum of Natural History, has photos, diagnostic characteristics, and even videos of many different families of mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies.
Leaf Pack Experiment Video
LaMotte Company has produced a short video that gives a nice overview of the Leaf Pack Experiment.
Take a look and share it with anyone you know that might be interested in joining the Leaf Pack Network!
Trout Grow on Trees™ is a new hands-on program that complements and extends the Leaf Pack Experiment by teaching children about the connection between healthy forests, healthy streams and healthy trout populations. Visit the Trout Grow on Trees website and Facebook page to learn more.
Would you like me to Skype in for a few minutes of class time? I’ll introduce the Leaf Pack Network, show how to make a leaf pack or simply say hello to your class and thank them for participating!
Feel free to email me!

That’s all the news for now. Don’t forget that you can find lots of great information in past issues of the LPN newsletter. Have a great fall and we look forward to seeing your data soon on the Leaf Pack Network website!
Tara Muenz
Leaf Pack Administrator
Stroud Water Research Center